Bokeh Fever

Bokeh is the blur, or the aesthetic quality of blur in an image (‘Bokeh’ is derived from Japanese, meaning dizziness).
Basically it’s an image with off-focus points of light.

It’s seen as a ‘blur circle’ or an illuminated disc on an off-focus image. But sometimes I feel it’s another over-
sharp lights in an image. I also have heard it being called as city lights.

I took some bokeh shots:

Diamond shine

Diamond shine

Garland of lights

Garland of lights

Accented circles

Accented circles

Faded radiance

Faded radiance

Matrix of gloss

Matrix of gloss

Hexagonal flash trap

Hexagonal flash trap

(Yeah, sometimes I like a bit of special effect.)

For more bokeh shots, check-in @ Sunday Stills.


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